The ‘Miguel Pérez Mateo’ Gastroenterology and Hepatology Course was held on Thursday 31st of May and on Friday 1st of June at the Hospital General Universitario Dr. Balmis in Alicante. The directors of the course, Rodrigo Jover and Ana Gutiérrez proposed, among others, a section dedicated to inflammatory bowel disease to which I was honoured to be invited along with two prestigious speakers such as Iago Rodríguez Lago from Bilbao and Marifé García-Sepulcre from Elche.
Alicante 2024
June 4, 2024
I was invited to give a lecture on the use of capsule endoscopy in the management of inflammatory bowel disease, with a special focus on Crohn’s disease. For approximately 30 minutes, I shared my vision, based on the available scientific evidence, on why this tool has become crucial in the evaluation of patients with inflammatory bowel disease, including the different scenarios in which I believe it is indicated: suspected Crohn’s disease, known Crohn’s disease, unclassifiable and/or ulcerative colitis, and post-surgical recurrence.
Apart from focusing on the points mentioned earlier, I decided to give the lecture without audiovisual support, opting for a pure teaching session with a questions and answers session at the end. Trying to adapt my words to a young audience, relatively inexperienced in the use of capsule endoscopy. My aim was to convey clearly and directly the idea of the importance of this technique in the diagnosis and follow-up of this complex entity.
It was a truly enriching experience to be able to share knowledge and promote active learning among the attendees. I hope that this conference has planted a seed of curiosity and passion for capsule endoscopy in this clinical setting and in the mind of the young gastroenterologists present.
Teaching will always be a rewarding and fundamental part of our medical practice!