Owl Eyes capsule endoscopy ACADEMY

Education, Development and Promotion
in Capsule Endoscopy


Capsule endoscopy has become an essential tool in Gastroenterology. Despite its main indication is obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (OGIB), capsule endoscopy has proven to be useful in other clinically relevant scenarios, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

The widespread acceptance of the technique among patients and physicians, along with the development of new prototypes for studying other segments of the gastrointestinal tract, has contributed to an increased demand for procedures.

Naturally, this demand must be accompanied by the offer of competent personnel in the technique. However, only a small proportion of gastroenterologists are qualified to proficiently interpret capsule endoscopy examinations.

From the Owl Eyes Capsule Endoscopy Academy we would like to change this tendency … focusing on education while also promoting the use of capsule endoscopy within health care professionals.


We design training Courses according to the needs of our attendees: from a general training in the technique to monographic, “express” or individualized Courses.

Visit the Courses section on our website.


We offer more than 20 years of experience in capsule endoscopy: video reading, images interpretation, participation in studies and many other services.

Visit the Services section on our website.


Promotion and dissemination of the technique through Conferences and Social Media. Advisory boards, consultation and management of Capsule Endoscopy Units.

Visit the Services section on our website.

Design and Innovation

… and all of this putting all our effort on the design of all materials, communication methods, and, of course, the use of technology to develop the best learning resources.


Capsule endoscopy training course 

Given the current circumstances, we have decided to modify the format, while keeping the philosophy, of our training Courses. These will now be delivered on-line and will have a longer duration, allowing us to increase the “hands-on” hours, which might have been one of the aspects that could be improved in our previous on-site Courses.

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