Quiz of the Month

May 14, 2024

Welcome to the Quiz of the Month (April) by the Owl Eyes Academy.

We have selected an interesting, from a didactic point of view, image and we will upload it to our Social Media, Blog and YouTube channel along with an educational video explaining the keys for the final diagnosis. The videos are subtitled in Spanish and English. We hope you enjoy it.

Case summary:

Patient admitted to the hospital due to a severe IDA with several transfusional and hospitalization requirements. An upper and lower GI endoscopy were performed with no findings. Therefore, a capsule endoscopy was performed with the following finding after 4 minutes of capsule ingestion:

Mucosal trachealization - capsule endoscopy - Trachea - swallowing disorder - aspiration-

What is your opinion? Diagnosis?

Below we have prepared a video with an explanation of what, from our point of view, can be seen in the image. We recommend, before watching the video with the answer to the Quiz of the Month, doing the exercise of make a good description of the lesion including an estimate of size, location … etc, and consider the different diagnostic options.

We hope you enjoyed the video. If you have any questions or would like to send us an image for our Quiz of the Month, please do not hesitate to contact us at ifurien@yahoo.es.